Ingredients & Benefits:
Onion contains Vitamin C, potassium, fiber and Folic acid. He also contain calcium, iron and high in protein.
Because it contains flavonglikosida, he considered anti-inflammatory, bacterial killers, whereas thin the phlegm saponinnya content. He also has a number of other substances that merit lower the heat, warm, easy wind from the stomach expenditure, expenditure launched urine, prevent blood clotting, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. According to recent research, red onion can also prevent cancer because the sulfur content. Lapisnya tubers contain substances such as proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 and C.
Volatile oil contained in the onion water handy to kill most microbes, staphylococci, Streptococci as well as microbes that can cause disease and inflammation of the thoracic esophagus.
Can also kill the microbes diphtheria, amoebic dysentery and tuberculosis microbe. Onion really able to eliminate these bacteria in a short time.
Steam onion can be used to clean wounds and may heal.
Can activate the movement of the stomach.
Munched onion for a few minutes to clean the mouth of microbes including diphtheria microbes.
Onion smell or eat it can cause a volatile oil containing sulfate and can enter the human blood, which could eventually kill the microbes that can cause disease.
Red onion also has elements similar to the hormone insulin that can help reduce blood sugar levels.
Onion eating raw or already cooked and mixed with cheese can minimize the occurrence of blood clots.
To cure whooping cough and pneumonia by using red onion as a compress on the chest. If placed on the kidneys and bladder, can heal difficult urination. If placed on the soles of the feet, it can heal the disorder of blood management functions. And if placed on the wound, it will ooze pus and blood dirty. How to make onion kompresan of this is to chop the onion into small pieces and then heated. After that, placed in areas to be treated, then tied with a cloth. Apply bandage replacement every 12 hours.
Pieces of red onion can be used to treat wounds and fish eyes on foot, by the way put the pieces of the onion around kalu or fish eyes in the afternoon until early morning. Repeat it until the release kalu or fish eye from the foot, then wash with warm water and soap.
Onion water used for sanitary napkins in the severed limb to relieve pain.
When crushed onion and simmer in olive oil can be used to treat cracked nipples and hemorrhoids.
Onion herb can be used to eliminate worms in children, which is brewed by pieces of onion and put it in water and stored throughout the night, then during the day drink to children after being mixed with honey. Repeat this process every morning until the worm actually out entirely.
Shallots can also remove worms in the stomach and cure hemorrhoids with a way to make it a purgative of a red onion that has been heated about about 3 minutes in 1 quart of water. In this case use the size of onion is to be inserted into the rectum.
Onion smell can treat dizziness and fainting. For very sharp smell that can stimulate blood circulation and respiratory function. Similarly, nerve functions. Thus, red onions can be used as first aid instead of having to use ammonia.
1. Fever in children
2. Flatulence, vomiting
3. Cold
4. Kerokan
5. Coughing
6. Dysentery
7. Hypertension
8. Diabetes
9. Lice water / foot rangen
10. Ulcer / wound
11. Swollen breasts / mastitis
12. Urine launched in children with fever
13. Sprue
Traditional recipes Red Onion:
Cough: tubers Onion Leaves Poko 4 grams 4 grams of fresh leaves of fresh Sembung Centella asiatica Herb 3 grams 4 grams fresh 2 grams of Fennel Fruit 125 ml water way for it: Dipipis, made infusion or pills. How to use: 1 times taken daily, 100 ml morning. If dipipis taken 1 time a day 1/4cangkir. pills, taken 3 times a day 9 pill. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.
Diabetes: Umbi Red Onion (chopped) 4 grams Fruit Beans (chopped) 15 grams of leaves Salam (chopped) 10 sheets of water 120 ml How to manufacture: grated, taken by filtered water. How to use: 1 times a day drink 100 ml. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.
Fever: Gas and Stomach in Children Remedy: Umbi Red Onion (cut thin) enough to taste Coconut Oil White Oil Wood How to taste it: knead. How to use: oil is smeared on a bloated stomach, the whole body, legs, and the tangnn fever in children.