Benefits and Gynecology in Celery:
Description of Celery plants:
Celery has a Latin name Apium graveolens can grow well in low or high. Celery plants in a category as a vegetable, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Brastagi, North Sumatra and West Java scattered in Pacet, Cipanas, and various other regions cool climate. Bulbous plants and has a wet bar of this compound, can basically be divided into several types and include celery tuber can be eaten. Celery in Indonesia used to supplementary vegetables such as: for soup, meatballs supplements, etc.. For the ancient Romans used as a celery plant flowers. According to the botanical historian, celery has been used as a vegetable or XZII century in 1640, and is recognized as a plant that has many benefits as a new scientific medicine in 1942. Celery plant breeding can be used 2 ways, namely through the seeds or the mass transfer of the child.
Local names in various countries and regions:
Celery (UK), Celeri (France), celery (Italy), Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Celery (Indonesia), Saledri (Sunda), Sledri (Java),
Curable Disease:
Hypertension, eye pain, rheumatic;
1. Hypertension
Ingredients: celery leaves to taste
How to make: squeezed with enough cooking water and then
How to use: drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and
carried out regularly.
Note: excessive use of dangerous!
2. Useful for eye drugs have the efficacy to overcome an eye
Ingredients: 2 stalks celery, spinach leaves 2 stems, 1 stem
How to make: all these ingredients together and then pounded
1 cup brewed with hot water and filtered.
How to use: the usual drink.
3. Rheumatic
Ingredients: 1 stalk celery
How to use: as a Lalapan eaten with every meal.
Celery has many nutrients, among others: (per 100 gr):
a. Calories by 20 calories
b. 1 gram protein
c. 0.1 grams fat
d. 4.6 grams carbohydrate
e. Calcium 50 mg
f. Phosphorus 40 mg
g. Iron 1 mg
h. Vitamin A 130 SI
i. Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
j. Vitamin C 11 mg
And 63% of edible parts. Celery leaves apiin also contains, in addition to a diuretic substance is useful to increase the amount of urine.