For Arthritis - Boil some leaves of pepper mint, after boiling get some leaves of pepper mint and place it in the affected area of arthritis. Covere with cloth or bandage to firm.
For Flatulence - Slice some leaves of pepper mint into small pieces, boil it in a 1 glass of water for five minutes. Strain and let it cold, and then drink it.
For Headache - Broil or grill a leaves of pepper mint, when the leaves are crunchy enough crushed it into pieces. place it in the head where your headaches cover it with cloth or bandage to firm.
For Rheumatism - dry some leaves of peppermint. Boil four tablespoon of minced leaves of pepper mint, in two cups of water. Strain and let it cold then drink half glass every four hours.
For Mouthwash - Mince some fresh pepper mint leaves, soak two tablespoon of minced pepper mint in hot water for 15 minutes, Let it cold and strain it. Now you can use it as a mouthwash you can gargle it like a mouthwash.
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