Surely they know what it suda ginger, but the reply benefits, yet many of tau. Ginger plants has long been known and grew well in our country. Ginger is one of the important spices. There are several types such as Ginger Ginger Elephant, Red Ginger and much more. Rimpangnya / root bulbs are many benefits, among others, as a spice in the kitchen which also has a distinctive aroma Fungi for the treatment of various diseases. Gynecology natural herbs with the Latin name Zingiber officinale was able to provide benefits for health. Modern research has scientifically proven benefits are:
1. Lowering blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates the release of adrenaline and widen blood vessels, so blood flows more quickly and smoothly, and alleviate the heart pumps blood.
2. Helps digestion. Ginger contains the digestive enzyme protease and lipase to digest proteins and fats.
3. Gingerol contained in ginger contains an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. So to prevent clogging of blood vessels, the main cause of strokes and heart attacks. Gingerol also helps lower cholesterol

4. Preventing nausea, because the ginger mempu blocking serotonin, the chemical that can cause stomach contractions that cause nausea.
5. Make the stomach to be comfortable, relieve abdominal cramps and help out the wind.
6. Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals. Content of chemical compounds in the essential oil of ginger is composed of compounds seskuiterpen, zingiberen, bisabolena, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, and felandren.
In addition, there are also sagaol, gingerol, starch, resins, organic acids such as malate acid and oxalic acid, vitamins A, B and C, as well as flavonoids and polyphenols compounds as antioxidants.
Chemical Ingredients:
Ginger rhizome contains a volatile oil, resin, mineral sineol, fellandren, kamfer, borneol, zingiberin, zingiberol, gigerol (eg in the red parts), zingeron, lipidas, aminos acid, niacin, vitamin A, B1, C, and protein. Oil of ginger yellow and thick. This oil contains mostly terpen, fellandren, dextrokamfen, sesquiterpen material called zingiberen, zingeron resin, starch.
Essential oils contained in ginger contained 1 to 3 percent. Oleoresin of ginger can cure a cough, fever and analgesic.
Oil atsirinya useful for the relief of pain, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Juice of the tuber (root sticks) used for cataract disease. Generally ginger is used as the mixing of several types of drugs as a cough medicine, to heal the outside and in, against itching (finely mashed tubers) Also for the treatment of snakebite
In one study in China, reported that 113 people with arthritis and chronic back pain which was injected 5 to 10 percent of ginger can reduce pain and reduce swelling. Granting such orally with ginger powder in people with arthritis and musculoskeletal / skeletal muscle complaints reported decreased pain.
According to the Dutch Pharmacopoeia, Zingiber Rhizoma (Rhizoma Zingiberis-root ginger) is a tuber Zingerber officinale contains 6% medicine that is often used as a drug formulation or as an official drug in 23 countries. According to WHO priority list, ginger is the plant medicines of the most widely used in the world. In Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia have discovered many benefits therapeutis. Ginger had always been used as medicines, or herbs and various Iainnya purposes.
Ginger may stimulate the digestive gland, both to generate appetite and digestion. Ginger is useful as a liniment for rheumatism illnesses and headaches. Fresh ginger finely ground can be used to treat the heartburn drug. Spicy taste and aroma can warm the body and sweating.
Ginger rhizome:
1. Tonic
2. Asi / Breast / breast milk
3. Cough.
4. Arouse appetite.
5. Heartburn.
6. Flatulence.
7. Sherbet.
8. Itching (external drug).
9. Injury (external drug).
10. Headache (external drug).
11. Cold (outside medicine
Herbs and dosages
1 ounce ginger (+ / - 1 ounce Ginger Sulthon) 1 egg-range chicken eggs 1 large lime 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon pure honey pepper 7 eggs 3 buds laos Method: Rhizome of ginger grated ginger taken Sulthon water or brewed with hot water with enough water, beaten eggs until smooth. Taken squeezed lime water, finely ground pepper. All the ingredients are mixed and stirred well. The finished concoction is drunk half an hour before the action.
Red Ginger (grated) 3 rhizome
How to manufacture: blackmailed.
How to use: drink 3 times a day 1 teaspoon.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 days.
1 ginger rhizome
Flower seeds 2 Cloves
Fruit Kemukus 4 seeds
Fruit Chili Java beans 3
Lemongrass finger segment 1
Seed Nutmeg 1 / 5 grain
Jeruk Purut leaves 1 / 2 sheet
Cinnamon skin slightly
Palm Sugar to taste
Water 200 ml
How to manufacture: Made infusion or brewing.
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 4 days.
ASI/ Breast / breast milk
Fish and shrimp excellent for launching milk. Sometimes breastfed babies are prone to smelly fish or shrimp. To prevent that breastfeeding mothers should eat lalap Ginger or Basil.
Headache and Cold (Influenza)
Patients with influenza typically feel pain in the back and the waist (greges-greges). To reduce pain, the patient can be treated with the following ingredients.
Red Ginger some rhizome
Enough water
How to manufacture:
Dipipis to form a paste.
How to use:
Add enough toilet water and rub on the body that feels pain. For the headaches attached to temples and back of the patient's ear.
Red ginger rhizome 1
Herba 1 handful fresh Poko
Fruit cubeb 6 points
Black cumin seeds 2 eggs
Water slightly
How to manufacture:
Dipipis to form a paste.
How to use:
Transfer the mixture to a clean cloth and tie with string, then put in warm vinegar and apply to the entire body, in order to accelerate the discharge noise
Benefits of Red Ginger
JAKARTA - When viagra was first introduced in Indonesia, many people are interested to try it, especially the men. Whatever the price to be paid for this drug is not a problem, the importance of their sexual life can be a better place. They even ignore some information about the side effects of viagra.
In fact, the biological richness of alternative healers Indonesia offered sexual harassment without having to involve the chemical elements, namely red ginger. People call it ginger sunthi Java, while the people of Aceh named ginger boil.
Without a chemical process, the plant itself is rich in chemical content, the gingerol and other flying oil, limonene, 1.8 cineole, l0 dehydrogingerdione, 6-gingerdione, arginine, alpha linolenic acid, Aspartic, Betha-sitosterol, caprylic acid, capsaicin , chlorogenic acid, farnesal, farnesene, and farnesol.
Elements 1, 8 cineole overcome premature ejaculation, while the anesthetic antikholinesterase able to stimulate the central nervous activity and stimulate an erection.
In addition to stimulating an erection and to overcome premature ejaculation, plants that have this mordacity able to stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and relieve pain. He also can treat influenza, stimulate breast milk out, encourage the production nodes, keeping the body's immune, to prevent infertility and strengthen the endurance of sperm. Farnesal elements contained in these plants are also able to prevent the aging process because it stimulates skin cell regeneration.
Red Ginger Benefits As traditional medicine materials, red ginger chosen because it provides a lot of bitter and spicy taste is higher than other types of ginger. Benefits are generally able to increase appetite and keep warm.
Because of this influence people to feel fitter and faster sexual arousal increases. Apart from smaller size than the other two kinds of ginger, the ginger emprit and elephants, red ginger skin color is also different. Her skin was pink, slightly brown the meat, and has a more coarse fiber.
The plant is better known as a potent laxative, antirematik, and peluruh into the wind. Red ginger rhizome oils of ASIRI zingeberin, kamfena, lemonin, zingiberen, zingiberal, gingeral, and shogool. Other Gynecology, namely oil rosin, starch, organic acids, malate acid, aksolat acid, and gingerin.
Benefits are generally warm, appetite enhancer, peluruh sweat, and prevent and treat common colds. In addition, also be useful to overcome the laryngitis (bronchitis), arthritis, back pain, impotence, stomach pain, increase stamina, relieve asthma, treat headaches, muscle aches, premature ejaculation, and launched a mother's milk.
Horn form
Until now I have found no research on the efficacy of red ginger to overcome asthma.
However, according to DR. Suwijiyo Pramono, fitofarmaka experts from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, probably because the warm feeling ASIRI oil content that causes a sense of relief for people with asthma.
"Basically, red ginger does not contain substances that are bronko splasmolitika (airway salve substances). Another possibility ginger effects on the antihistamine that causes asthma subsided," said doctoral graduates phytochemical France's Universite Toulose.
However, for your ulcer and asthma, should avoid the consumption of red ginger. "Because gingerolnya can make heat and irritation of the stomach," said Faculty of Pharmacy UGM lecturer this.
Plant Latin name Zingiber officinale is indeed rich benefits. Created as a refreshing drink as well. Zingiber genus name is given because the shape of the horn-like horn rimpangnya growing in rhino head.
Zingiber own words adopted from Arabic, Zanjabil. Koran holy book in surat Al Insaan paragraph 17 also mentioned the ginger. Approximately content: "In the heaven that they were given a glass of ginger mixed drinks."
Red ginger processed products have now been sold freely in the market. The form of chopped dried or Simplisia, instant ginger, powdered ginger, ginger syrup, and candy, making it easier for you to enjoy. Good luck!
Some Red Ginger Herb
1. To Overcome Rheumatism
Remedy 1:
Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, ginger 20 grams, 20 grams of chili Java, cat whiskers 30 grams, 30 grams komfrey leaves, and water to drink 4 glasses.
All material is washed, chopped or thinly sliced, then boiled. Wait until the water remaining 2 cups cooking liquid, then strain.
Drink 2 times in the morning and evening, to drink 1 cup. To be more fresh taste, add 2 tablespoons of honey and lime juice.
Potion 2:
Prepare a fresh red ginger 20 grams, the god of fresh leaves 30 grams, dried slices 20 grams gods crown, leaf fresh Meniran 30 grams, 30 grams of leaf spoon, and water to drink 4 glasses. All material is washed, sliced or chopped small pieces, then boiled. Wait until the water remaining 2 cups cooking liquid, then strain.
Drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening, to drink 1 cup. If you like, add honey,.
2. To Overcome bone loss
Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, 30 grams of green beans, pimento seeds 10 grams, 10 grams cardamom, pepper 15 grams, 20 grams of cinnamon, and 4 cups water.
The material is washed and crushed, or crushed. Boil until the water remaining 2 cups cooking liquid, then filtered. Drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. Once drink 1 cup. In order to taste good, can add 2 tablespoons of honey.
3. To Overcome Asthma
Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, 30 grams sambiloto leaves, leaf cottonwoods 30 grams, 20 grams lampes leaves, and water to drink 4 glasses. All the materials after being washed clean, sliced or chopped small. Boil until the water remaining 2 cups cooking liquid, then strain.
Drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. Once drink 1 cup. so it was fresh, can add honey and lemon juice nipis.v
4. To Overcome Stroke
Prepare red ginger 20 grams, 40 grams mengkudu, pule Pandak 20 grams, 30 grams of god leaves, leaf Ciremai 20 grams, water to drink 4 glasses. After all washed, chopped or sliced. Boiled with water to 4 cups boiling water remaining 1.5 (one half) cup, then strain.
Drink three times in the morning, afternoon, and evening after meals. Once drinking 0.5 (half) glass.
5. Adding Passion Sex
Prepare red ginger 15 grams, 30 grams of ginseng, cayenne Java 20 grams, 20 grams of black pepper, water to drink 4 glasses. All materials are washed, boiled until the water remaining 2 cups cooking liquid and then filtered.
Drink 2 times in the morning and afternoon. Once drink 1 cup. Can add 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Mix well before drinking.
Note: To be safe, remain in consultation with the herbalist or herbal healing specialists.