Garlic has a Latin name Allium sativum believed to have many benefits for the human body, days of our ancestors used to use garlic as a traditional medicine, the benefits of garlic for the human body such as:
1. Anti-cholesterol substances in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.
2. Garlic regularly consumed within a certain period can help lower cholesterol.
3. Garlic contains antioxidants. Garlic contains carotene and selenium
4. Contains antimicrobial efficacy, antitrombotik, hipolipidemik, antiarthritis, hypoglycemic, and also has anti-tumor antivitas as.
6. Garlic contains potassium
7. Garlic contains vitamins B
8. Garlic contains vitamin C.
9. Garlic contains calcium.
10. Cure high blood pressure
11. Relieve ulcer
12. Lowering cholesterol in the blood
13. Increasing blood insulin for diabetics.
14. With a softer effect. Garlic contains vitamin A.
15. Helps delay the aging process. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
16. Inhibit deterioration of the brain and the immune system
17. By consuming garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.
18. Garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.
19. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic a day, will avoid the possibility of heart disease.
20. Disabling free radicals that disrupt the immune system
21. Useful as an antidote to poison (detoxifier) which protect the body from various diseases.
22. Maintaining stamina
And many more garlic kasiatnya others, hopefully the information I give this a little help you as well.