White turmeric Benefits For Health

Posted by Admin Saturday, 6 March 2010
White Powder is one of the traditional medicine is easy once we met in our neighborhood. Sometimes we do not really know about the white turmeric. It turned out after investigation by experts, White Powder has a lot of health benefits for our bodies. Society has long been 2 types of white turmeric, which is white turmeric gombyok and white turmeric pepet . Turmeric is beneficial therapy for diarrhea and dysentery alone, as written in native medicine book written by Prof. Indonesia. Dr. Seno Sastroamijoyo, the second type is the type of mango-flavored white turmeric, namely Curcuma Curcuma Zedoaria & Mango. Both are useful to cure cancer & tumors. From the results of research Minyi Chan et al in his book Anti-Cancer Medical Herbs, Curcuma Zedoaria it has a higher effectiveness for cancer & tumors. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research Report (New York Time) June 1, 1999 and also by the experts of Faculty of Pharmacy or Biotechnology and PPOT PAU UGM Yogyakarta in this white turmeric contains:

1. RIP (Ribosome Protein Inacting) function:
a. Able to disable the development of cancer cells.
b. Able knocked out the cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue.
c. Block the growth of cancer cells.

2. Anti-oxidants substances, preventing damage to genes.
3. Anti curcumine, as anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory).
Curcuma Curcuma Zeodaria combined with Mangoes can cure:

1. Cancer: cervical, breast, liver, lung - lung, leukemia, brain and other diseases associated with cancer and tumors.

2. Inflammation in: gastritis, piles, sore throat, inflammation of the liver, bronchitis, tonsillitis, painful menstruation, vaginal discharge, acne or boils, diabetes, asthma.

3. Other benefits, anti-fat: high blood pressure, stroke, heart, uric acid, lower cholesterol.
Dosage recommendations: Powder non-sugar: 1 teaspoon flat ½ cups brewed with hot water (100 cc) and then deposited and a drink
only water.
Prevention: 1 times a day, taken before bed tonight.
Treatment: 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening).

White turmeric for cancer & tumor drugs:
White turmeric has efficacy for the treatment of cancer and tumors.

Here's how: take a white turmeric to taste, peeled skin, the scar, the filter, then the drinking water.
Should the drinking in cold conditions, or add ice cubes, then the drink in patients 3 times a day until the patient recovered.

For all kinds of medications that herbal remedies, although you should not exceed the recommended dosage.