Content of the fluid can facilitate urine. When combined with celery and carrot juice, cucumber can help people with arthritis. Fluid on cucumber can also smooths the skin. Next time you wash after using detergent, wash your hands with strips of cucumber skin. Your skin will undoubtedly remain soft.
The following are other benefits of cucumber:
1. High fiber content of cucumber makes useful to aid digestion, lower cholesterol, and neutralize toxins.
2. High potassium content of cucumber have the efficacy to relieve hypertension.
3. Its cool to make cucumber can provide a sense of cool in the mouth to reduce inflammation of the throat or sores.
4. Becomes brighter vision and reduced eye bags are compressed with the blessing of cucumber slices for a few minutes.
5. Effectively eliminating the famous cucumber mild acne. Stick the cucumber slices on the face of acne and acne usually disappear quickly.
Cucumber fruits containing silicon, fluorine, and potassium, and conversely, low in calories, so as to help stimulate the kidneys to remove metabolic waste and deposit fat in the body. How to get the benefits of this easy, by consuming fruit juice of fresh cucumber. Do it every day, until the stomach of cucumber used to receive liquid.
In addition to a kidney cleanser, cucumber has many other benefits. A fresh cucumber fruit, generally contains 0.65% protein, 0.1% fat, and 2.2% carbohydrates. Besides cucumber also contains other helpful substances, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.
Cucumber seeds known to contain toxic alkaloids that type hipoxanti worms can cure diseases. Cucumber seeds are also believed to be able to relieve sore throat, cough, followed by a loss of votes. Way, simply by mixing seeds of cucumber with a little salt and the use mouthwash several times a day.
Cucumbers can also be used to compress when you or your child's fever. No need to add ice, because the fruit of cucumber was given the cold needed to cool a hot body due to fever.
Fresh cucumber juice and useful for health, can also treat the skin of scabies. No wonder that serve as a cucumber face mask, because in addition to moisturize, cucumber helps the skin to be smooth and seamless.
Here are some tips you can do to get the benefits of cucumber:
1. Reducing high blood pressure
Two fresh cucumbers washed and shredded. Results grated squeezed and filtered, then drink as well. Do it 2-3 times a day.
2. Treating ulcers
Eating raw cucumber fruit as a snack, do a routine every day.
3. Overcoming swelling around the eyes
Eyes swollen from sleeping too late or tired eyes from working at the computer too long. Way, thinly sliced cucumber and put it in his eyes, did she lay for 15 minutes. Then rinse.
4. Kidney cleanse
Fresh cucumbers washed and shredded. Results grated squeezed and filtered. The water is taken little by little until the stomach of cucumber used to receive liquid.
5. Fever
Cucumber sufficiently washed and shredded. Grated results placed on the abdomen.
6. Acne
Cucumber fruit washed and sliced. cucumber slices placed and rubbed rubbed on the acne skin. Do it every day.