Pare plants (Momordica charantia) originated from tropical Asia, but it is not certain how long these plants into Indonesian territory. Pare the current crop is cultivated in various regions in the archipelago. Typically, cultivation is done as a sideline. Pare land planted in the yard, or fields, or in former rice fields as the interrupters in the dry season. Plants pare (untouchable) is a herbal plant one year old or older who grew spread and spread. Which is a vegetable crop of this fruit has a leaf shaped like a finger with a yellow flower. The fruit surface pimple - pimple and taste the bitter fruit. Pare plants are very easily cultivated and grows does not depend on the season.
Pare has a different name in every area including Prien (Gayo) Pariah (Toba Batak) Foria (Nias) Peria (Malays) Kambeh (Minangkabau) Papare (Jakarta) Pariah (Sunda) Pare (Central Java) Pepareh (Madura) Paya Truwok (Sasak ) Pariah (Bima) Pania (East) Popari (Manado) Beleng gede (Gorontalo) pariah (Makasar) Pariah Bugis) (Papariane (Seram) Papari (Buru) Papare (Halmahera) Ternate Kepare ().
Plant Benefits Pare:
Taste the bitter fruit of this is causing some of the benefits found in fruits pare
it. Pare the fruit benefits for human health are:
a. Can stimulate the appetite
b. Can cure jaundice
c. Facilitate digestion
d. and as a malaria drug
In addition to pare the fruit, leaves pare it also has benefits that are not inferior to men. Benefits include:
a. Can cure diarrhea in infants
b. The blood of women who recently delivered
c. Reduce heat
d. Pinworms can issue
e. Cough cure
Apart from all that is over, no study has ever done to prove that plants can pare decrease the number of sperm in male white rats, which pare can be said to be as natural family planning drugs for men because it contains substances antifertilitas
Fare Types:
Pare lard
Pare is the most cultivated and most preferred. Pare Pare is commonly called white or pare butter. Form of long fruit with a size 30 to 50 cm in diameter from 3 to 7 cm, the average weight of 200-500 grams / fruit. Pare is from India, Africa.
Pare Green
Pare green oval, small and green with a little rash smooth. Pare is a lot of kinds, including chicken pare, pare frog, or pare pare ginggae base. Of various types are the most widely planted is pare chicken. Pare the fruit has a long chicken 15 to 20 cm. Meanwhile pare ginggae small fruit only about 5 cm. It was bitter and thin flesh. This green pare easy maintenance, without the propagation or para-pare the green plants can grow well.
Pare Import
Pare types originated from Taiwan. Seed Pare is the final hybrid
stock so that if the plant can not produce new seeds. If forced, too
will produce an ugly and distorted from the original. In Indonesia
there are three varieties that have been circulating of Known-you green, Known-you no. 2, and
Moonshine. The third difference of import is pare of the skin surface,
Pare eel
Fare types this is less popular. Elongated shape like an eel length
between 30 -110 cm and 4-8 cm in diameter. Fare does not include eel Momordica sp,
but classified as type Trichosanthus anguina L.
Even so people are more accustomed to entering pare these eels into pare species.