In the modern treatment, aloe vera began to rise as an American citizen in 1940 discovered the benefits of aloe vera gel. And the results of these studies include:
1. Work slows HIV Virus
The researchers found benefits from outside of aloe vera gel can serve as the body's defense system. It is estimated that this substance can inhibit the HIV virus or work to stimulate the immune system work with AIDS.
2. Improve Digestion System
According to experts from IPB Ir Sutrisno Koswara, consume aloe vera can help facilitate the digestive system, is due to the benefits of Aloemoedin and Aloebarbadiod substances, including compounds of anthraquinone groups.
3. Natural antiseptic and antibiotic
Saponin content of the aloe vera has the ability to kill germs and anthraquinone compounds can relieve pain and antibiotics. This substance is also able to stimulate formation of new cells in the skin.
4. Protects skin from dehydration
Lignin content of the gel can protect the skin from dehydration and keep the humidity. This substance is used by cosmetics manufacturers to various skin care products and beauty.
Also Aloe Vera is also a Healthy Delicious Food
The many benefits of aloe vera make food producers are interested in processing the raw material of food. Evidenced by the variety of food products from Aloe vera on the market. Start from the sale of fresh, made sweets, juice, aloe vera powder to the gel. in other countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China has much to consume a mixture of Aloe Vera Juice, Candied, and even tea.