Medicines for Diabetes

Posted by Admin Saturday, 27 February 2010
Early symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, thirst, crystalline lens changes shape so that the vision is blurred for a while, and others.

Diabetes arises inability to change glucose into energy. When blood sugar is too high, the kidneys can not filter all the blood so that urine contains glucose.

Medicine (Choose one recipe below):

Traditional medicine 1 Remedy:
1 point dried avocado seed afterwards powdered. 5 grams of powdered avocado is brewed with 200 cc of water.
Usage: Take 2 times daily potion

Remedy Traditional Medicine 2:
4 rambutan seeds dry roasted and then ground smooth. After that, rambutan seed powder boiled with water sufficiently.
Usage: Drink while warm, 2 times daily consumption

Remedy Traditional Medicine 3:
2-3 tablespoons of soy powder consumed enough water, then drink.
Usage: 2 times a day Consumption

Remedy Traditional Medicine 4:
30 grams of corn and 100 grams of boiled kale stems with water sufficiently.
Usage: Drink while warm, 2 times daily consumption

Traditional herb medicine 5:
100 grams of pumpkin machete / yellow squash and pumpkin 100 grams bligo / tangkua steamed pumpkin, and then eaten.
Usage: 2 times a day Consumption

Remedy Traditional Medicine 6:
Machete 60 grams pumpkin (pumpkin) and 1 piece of sliced pare according to taste and then cooked by pan-fried or other dishes to taste, then eat.
Usage: 2 times a day Consumption

Remedy Traditional Medicine 7:
2 apples, 1 avocado fruit, 60 grams of pumpkin machete (yellow squash), and 50 grams of blended pineapple and drink.
Usage: 2 times a day Consumption

Remedy Traditional Medicine 8:
Wash clean and Rajang 4 grams of red onion, green beans 15 grams of fruit, 10 pieces of bay leaves. Blend the ingredients, then mix with 120 ml of boiled water. Juice.
Usage: Take 1 times a day as much as 100 ml. Do it for 14 days.

Remedy Traditional Medicine 9:
Cut 1 piece of half-ripe guavas into 4 pieces, then boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling. Lift and after cold filtered.
Usage: Take 2 times a day in the morning and evening.