Cure for Kidney stones

Posted by Admin Saturday, 27 February 2010
Corn is believed to cure several types of diseases such as kidney stones, gallstones, high blood pressure.

Corn cob and young boiled water can dissolve kidney stones. In addition, the brewed with hot water is also useful for the treatment of gallstone disease, and high blood pressure.

Kidney stones
Ingredients: 4 ears corn, corn 1 handful of hair, fresh leaf pieces of glass evil 8
How to manufacture: All material is boiled in 110 ml of water. Drinking water to cook once a day for 14 days. After the stone out, either in the form of pebbles, beads or foam, the treatment must be stopped, then took to drinking herbs and Meniran Cats Whisker. , Each taking 30 grams of leaves and leaf Meniran cat whiskers, brewed as tea.