Seven Helpful ways to guard against bone loss (osteoporosis):
- Engage in moderate physical activity 30 minutes a day, done 10 minutes at a time, because exercise strengthens bones.
- Eat the right foods. A varied diet gives you the right mix of nutrients.
- Stop smoking, smoking decreases absorption of calcium and lower estrogen levels, promoting bone menopausal symptoms.
- Ensure enough calcium intake. Those who are lactose intolerant or are unaccustomed to milk products can get calcium from deep dark leafy vegetables and small fish (even canned varieties).
- Avoid alcohol, it has adverse effects on bone forming cells.
- Control your sodium (salt) and protein intake because they decrease calcium retention. A 10 to 12 ounce steak or any meat will interfere with your calcium absorption.
- Get enough Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption and bone maintenance. Get out in the morning sun for at least 15 minutes daily.