![]() Sports nutrition is the scientific eating of Olympic athletes to meet the needs of his specific sport. Eating right is a part of winning. What Olympic athletes eat, how much they eat and when they eat can definitely affect them from getting the gold this coming Olympics. The three important eating practices the Olympic athletes must do are: 1. To energized himself correctly during training and competition - Muscle's that are exercising largely draw there strength by storing carbohydrates for energy. However, this carbs stores can be rapidly and preferentially depleted, depending on the type and duration of the sports. Maintaining adequate nutrition to support and sustain these carbs needs is the one of the foremost goals of an athletes diet regimen. Enough calories and the right nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats) in the right amounts and proportions are essential boosters of performance. The nutrients ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fats is carbohydrates = 60 - 65% protein = 15 - 20 % fats = 20 - 25% The pre exercise meal is best consumed 3 to 4 hours before the workout or competition begins, pre competition meals should be low in fat and should include familiar foods that are well eaten by the athlete. Snacks eaten closer to the time of the game should be smaller and low in fat. Complex carbohydrates are the star nutrients for peak performance. example of it is rice, bread, and potatoes. Glycogen which is the form of sugar are needed to provide strength and endurance, example of it are noodles, pasta, corn, vegetables, and fresh fruits. 2. To re energized himself fast during the game - Because competitions and game use up a lot of stored energy, re energized meals must be taken to replace lost and used up energy. Recovery must begin at once. Thus carbohydrate-rich foods and beverages should be taken1 to 2 hours after the game. The target intake is 0.5 gms of carbohydrate per pound of body weight, to replace the lost glycogen. This should take place within 30 min. up to the first 2 hours and then repeated with another 75 grams of carbohydrates, all within 2 to 3 hours after a game. This is important, to make sure the lost energy during training and competition is properly restored. Recovery drinks replenish calories and body fluids, water, mineral water, fruit juice soft drinks coffee, tea milk, watery foods likes soups, oranges bananas and watermelon, are all recover fluids. 3. To hydrate fully before, during the game and after every practice - For pre exercise , adequate hydration is vital for optimal performance. Olympic athletes should be sure to stay hydrated between exercise sessions. in addition drinking 400 - 600 ml of fluid 2 to 3 hours before exercise should allow for adequate hydration while giving the body enough time to rid itself excess fluids before exercise. If tolerated drinking 150-350 ml of fluid every 15-2- minutes during exercise can help Olympic athletes keep up with water losses caused by sweat. Post exercise re hydration must check body weight before and after workouts and competition to determine body water losses. 16 - 24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost.Post exercise fluid replacement should contain fluid to reduce urinary fluid losses, maintain thirst, and decrease the risk of dehydration. |