To some of us this coming august 8, 2008 is a lucky day, but i think if really want to be lucky this day we have to do something for ourselves, not just waiting for that miracle to happen to us, so i decided to do a list of 8 healthy things that we can do on this coming lucky day. Maybe, it can help us not just on that lucky day :)
1. Have an 8 minute exercise - After you wake up do some stretching and some basic exercise for 8 minutes or if you want, run on the treadmill for 8 minutes.
2. Eat 8 Healthy foods -Try to eat this foods for the rest of your day tuna, eggs, beans, cocoa, citrus, cereal, banana, and brown rice. why? because all this food have the best vitamins and minerals you can have on that day, and they are all good for our diet.
3. Drink 8 glasses of water - I know this is a very common thing in a healthy tips but does everybody do drink 8 glasses of water? maybe not, maybe we can start to this lucky day and do it everyday.
4. Laugh 4 8 seconds -Laughing releases endorphins. Endorphins make you feel good. "Laughter is the best medicine"
5. Hug your love ones for 8 seconds - Hugging is the best way to tell someone that you care for them. So lets Hug
6. Relax for 8 minutes - If you have a busy day try to relax for 8 minutes, Its good to have a peace of mind on this lucky day
7. Tell yourself 8 good things about you - Go to the mirror and tell yourself 8 things you like about yourself. It helps us to appreciate on what and who we are, and can build us some self confidence.
8. Get 8 hours of sleep - Last but not the least after we accomplished the lucky healthy tips its for us to gets some rest and 8 hours of sleep is a good way to have that lucky sleep.
Related Article: 12 tips to be healthy