reply to stubborn cough may be given:
1 tablespoon honey white wood powder. White wood powder can be purchased at the super market.
This recipe can be for children mi too.
1. Guava or commonly called guavas believed to cure a cough, made by stup.
A cough medicine ingredient of cashew nut:
Guava 5 / pieces cut guavas, seeds do not just skin removed.
3 cardamom seeds
5 seeds Cloves
5 cm Cinnamon
Rock sugar to taste
How to make:
Boil water, put cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and sugar. After the sugar crushed cashew enter briefly (/ - 5 minutes). How to drink, blended pink stup continued filtered seeds.
2. Carambola wuluh or commonly known as star fruit to vegetables also have the same benefits with guava, to relieve coughs, how:
1. Flowers Carambola wuluh 1 handheld
2. Pulo sane fennel 1 / 2 handful
3. Rock sugar to taste
All the ingredients are mixed together, put in a bowl of steamed trus heat but not in added water. Steam for 1.5 to 2 hours, then squeezed and filtered, these feelings drink water 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Good luck ....
3. Lime is believed to have benefits for to dilute sputum and cough medicine children.
How to 1: 1 tablespoon water mixed with lime juice, 3 tablespoons of pure honey, 5 tablespoons of boiled water, then steamed for 30 minutes. Dosages drinking babies between 6-1 years of age: 2 times 1 / 2 tsp; children 1-3 years old: 1 teaspoon 2 times; children 4-5 years: 2 times 1 1 / 2 tsp.
How to 2: 1 piece of orange juice, squeezed the water, put in a glass / cup. Add soy sauce, stir. Dose drink for children, 1 tsp 3 times per day.
4. Powder can be used as alternative medicine to alleviate cough in children.
How: 5 grams of fresh kencur washed, grated, then add 2 tablespoons water and stir well. Once filtered, add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Give it 2-3 times a day.