Causes of body odor
- Combination of sweat and bacteria.
- Food and spices we eat, such as garlic, fish, sugary foods, and caffeine.
- And of course poor hygiene.
Dealing with body odor
- Use deodorant soap.
- Wear clean clothes.
- Stay clear of fried, spicy, and sugary food. Keep caffeine to a minimum.
Home Remedies for Body Odor = choose a remedy that suits you...
- Apply a few drops of pure tea tree oil to the smelly area.
- Use an antibacterial surgical scrub to clean the area.
- Bathe with a couple of cups of tomato juice for 15 minutes.
- Take some flat cotton makeup pads, and soak them in a tight lid container with rubbing alcohol. Swipe one across your armpits anytime you need to freshen up.
- Get a big piece of ginger, mash it, and strain the juice out. After bathing, apply it to your armpit with cotton.
- Mix baking soda with water, rubbing it onto your armpits until the odor goes away.
- Cut a lemon in half and rub over the armpits until the odor is gone.