Diabetes (type 1): The facts we should know

Posted by Admin Friday, 28 August 2009

Traditionally thought to be a quite uncommon disease, Type I diabetes affects just about one out of every 250 people, both adults and young, living in the US today. Although the term "juvenile" has long been associated with this type of the disease, as in Type I juvenile onset diabetes, the illness may actually occur at any time in life, and appears equally among both men and women.

There are thousands things that can go wrong with your body. Consider this short list:

  • Beta hydroxylase deficiency -
  • Dwarfism stiff joint ocular abnormalities -
  • Anonychia -
  • Dystrophinopathy -
  • Arthrogryposis spinal muscular atrophy -
  • Chronic hiccup -
  • Cantu Sanchez Corona Fragoso syndrome -
  • Costochondritis -
  • Cantu Sanchez Corona Hernandes syndrome -
  • Alopecia -
  • Erysipelas

Fortunately, even most doctors have not heard of some of these. But even though it is considered fairly uncommon, you probably know someone with Type I Diabetes.


While the symptoms of Type I diabetes tend to be subtle in most cases, if not treated, they will eventually become fairly severe. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Blurry vision - Frequent urination - Frequent skin, vaginal, or urinary tract infections - Dry mouth, even after drinking - Increased hunger, even just after eating - Increased thirst - Heavy or labored breathing for no apparent reason

Some of the more serious signs associated with Type I diabetes that demand an emergent need for medical attention may include:

Abdominal pain Shaking, trembling Fruity or sweet smelling breath Loss of consciousness, rarely in extreme cases


Scientists still aren't aware of some of the factors leading one to have Type I diabetes. But, they do know that a tendency to the condition may be inherited from one or both parents. Researchers have discovered that Type I diabetes may also be caused by something in the environment that causes a problematic reaction within the body's immune system. However, they are not sure as to the exact origin of these triggers.


For an accurate diagnosis of Type I diabetes, a doctor must check for abnormal blood sugar levels by performing a blood test, or also testing for the presence of glucose or keystone in the urine. With today's knowledge, there is no way to test for impending Type I diabetes, or a method to prevent one from developing this type of diabetes.


There are many, of all ages, who enjoy long, quite healthy lives despite having Type I diabetes. It's imperative to keep blood sugar levels under tight control, which may be achieved by eating the right foods, getting enough exercise, and the correct insulin therapy consistently one or more times a day. Anyone with this form of the disease must have insulin injections in order to properly manage their blood sugar level, which will also have to be tested regularly.

Without treatment, Type I diabetes may evolve into or cause several serious conditions, some of which may be life-threatening. Kidney damage is a quite common problem in those with the disease with a condition known as nephropathy. Other possible complications include retinopathy, which causes a loss of vision, heart disease, poor blood circulation and gastrointestinal disorders which may also result without medical treatment.

Although a serious disease, Type I diabetes is a disease that can still be successfully managed with the right medical care.