Scientist have focused on several risk factors associated with bowel cancer. One is age. The older one becomes, the weaker the natural immune forces. Diet is now considered to be the most important factor in bowel cancer. Years of eating a rich diet or fried or broiled fatty meats with accompanying low fiber content , and deficient protective vitamins and trace minerals sets up a person for colon cancer. Early detection and surgery are also essential as the best cure for colo cancer. But we can avoid having bowel cancer by just living a healthy life here are some simple tips to follow to fight bowel (colon) cancer:
- Do not over eat.
- Avoid rich diets, especially foods high in fat.
- Avoid fried meat.
- Use whole grain rich in fiber, which dilutes and absorbs many harmful chemicals in the bowel.
- Eat fruits and vegetables especially those of the cabbage family(broccoli, cauliflower, and others) which have anti-cancer properties. Yellow and green vegetables contains vitamins A and C, also important in caner prevention.
- Keep a healthy bowel by drinking plenty of water, eating high fiber foods like beans, potatoes, whole grains and fresh fruits which prevents constipation.
- Exercise regularly.
- Get regular medical check-up. A change in bowel habits is an important sign. A test for invisible blood in the stool should be part of the examination.