There is an entire array of symptoms, not just one, with Autism. There are issues with socialization, communication deficits, minimal areas of interest, and typically behavior that repeats consistently.
Presently, there is no cure for autism. Doctors, with their advanced research have helped improve functioning capacity of autistic people. Some people with autism can function quite normally while others with severe autism probably will need constant assistance.
People often think that a child who have autism, just wants to be left alone, but that is not the case. It is not that autism children dislike being around people; it is that they find it difficult to interact with other people.
Repetitive behavior is usually a characteristic of people who have autism. They will move aimlessly and exhibit behaviors such as rocking, head rolling, or hand flapping. There is a possibility of them behaving in an obsessive manner, for example firmly requesting that objects should always be positioned in the same place.
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People with autism detest changes. They have to know events that would take place at a specific time, and as they get aged, even on a specific day. They dislike any change in menus. They aren't appreciative of any rearrangement of their furniture.
Self-inflicted injuries are not uncommon to autism children, and in fact, a little less than one-third of these children are familiar with this kind of behavior. There is a segment of children with autism called autistic savants, and they are so-called because they exhibit extremely high levels of dexterity in some area of life or study.
Autism signs and symptoms checklist:
- Problems relating to others can be noticed by a lack of holding eye contact with anyone.
- Repetitive motions like rocking, hand actions, or patterned manipulation of toys.
- Child shows preference for being alone most of the time. Does not interact with peers.
- Tantrums resulting from very small changes in routine.
Signs that vary from child to child,
- Speech problems range from severe to barely noticeable. Some speak quite well.
- Unusual reaction to stimulus. The reaction can be too severe or there may be no reaction at all.
- Lack of interest in most things that children like to explore and notice.
- Unusual speaking patterns like repeating the same words over and over.
- Unable to toilet train, or regression after training was successful.