Dietary supplements: 5 signs of false claims

Posted by Admin Monday, 12 January 2009
Image via WikipediaThere are many food supplements and dietary supplements out there in the market, and you don't know what to choose and what product is telling the truth ,or they just telling some "good to hear" claims about there product to make there product sell. While some food and dietary supplements have been documented, those of other supplements have not been proven. There are five signs of false claims:

  • Personal testimonials by consumers or doctors claiming amazing results. For example " My wife has Alzheimer's. She began eating a teaspoonful of this product each day. And now in just 22 days, She remember now every member of our family; we take our morning walk together."

  • Promotions use words like "scientific breakthrough," miraculous cure," "exclusive product," "secret ingredient," or "ancient remedy." For example "A scientific breakthrough formulated by using proven principles of natural health-based medical science."
  • Statements that claim the product is "totally safe," "all natural," or has "definitely no side effects."

  • Statements that suggest that the product ca treat or cure diseases. For example "Shrinks tumors" or "cures impotency." Actually this are drug claims and should not be made for dietary supplements.

  • Statement that the products is a quick and effective "cure all." For example "Extremely beneficial in treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, infections, prostate problems, ulcers, cancer, heart trouble, hardening of the arteries, and more.