To perform the punches and footwork safely and effectively, it is important to get balanced stance. This is the key to executing all boxing moves correctly. And here's how:
- Plant feet comfortably apart. Put your weight on the balls of your deet. Each foot should have the same amount of weight and you should be able to move with ease.
- Bend your kness a little.
- Stand somewhat sideways against your opponent (invisible or otherwise). Align your front foot, hip, and shoulders to take full advantageof your reach and lessen the target area.
- Position the left hand such that the top of your first is parallel to the top of your shoulders. Elbow should be slightly extended but still in place to defend your body.
- Put right first near your chin with elbows close to the ribs and at right angles to the floor. Relax neck and shoulders.
- And that's it your ready to box.
For those of you who are thinking about boxing for better health, here's a little primer to see if you're up to the challenge. As with any exercise program, consult with your doctor before starting. And if you want a more intense workout, you may want to head to your local gym and hire a professional trainer to put you through your paces.
Go Manny!!!