Alcohol Hooked or Not?

Posted by Admin Friday, 26 December 2008

How do you know if you or a loved one is hooked on alcohol? Unless you're in strong denial, it's quite easy to know whether one is teetering at the doorstep of destruction. The widely accepted standard for a moderate drink is one glass for women and two glass for men ( remember 2 glass not 2 kegs!). More then 10 drinks for women and 15 for men in a week is considered "hazardous" drinking. If you've gulping down this amount of alcohol or more in the last few years, and spending your weekends sleeping off nasty hangovers from friday-night binges, you need help.

To recognize early signs of alcoholism take the CAGE test suggested by the Medical Education Research foundation: Ask yourself:
  • Have you ever felt you should CUT down on your drinking?
  • Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
  • Have you ever had an EYEOPENER drink first thing in the morning to steady you nerves or get rid over of the hangover?
One Yes answer indicates possible alcohol problem. More than one signifies alcohol problem is highly likely. Check yourself, don't let alcohol ruin your life and the people surrounds you. This Holiday season drink moderately to enjoy the Holidays.
Happy Healthy Holidays everyone.