Childhood Obesity, It is a major health problem in kids nowadays 'and one that many do not want to see, and others don't even see it until there kids is as big as a snowman. Your kids will suffer from obesity not just in health but also in his social life.
here are some causes of childhood obesity:
too much fatty meats.
too much time in front of a tv or computer.
too much junk food or pre prepared foods.
too much soda or sugary drinks.
too much sugar and white refined breads.
not enough fiber such as whole wheat and grains.
not enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
oversize food portions.
lack of physical activity.
more and more mother's in the workplace causing improper diet.
too much soda or sugary drinks.
too much sugar and white refined breads.
not enough fiber such as whole wheat and grains.
not enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
oversize food portions.
lack of physical activity.
more and more mother's in the workplace causing improper diet.
Years ago kids went out to play and did not sit around with all the new gadgets they have today.
also there were not as many places to get fast food and kids didn't have the money to stuff themselves with BIG MAC'S. etc, also more foods were fresh then today a lot of foods high in salt sugar and preservatives are consumed. Many families do not sit down to eat a proper meal today due to busy schedules and eat on the run and it is usually the worst and easiest food that is eaten. Walking to and from school and friend's houses was how it was not being driven everywhere.
Nearly one in five children grew big enough around the middle to be considered obese, a 65 percent increase in belly fat over just six years, according to study.
Although increases in Body Mass Index scores among children have been noted for more than a decade, the increase in children with significant belly fat appears to have been even greater, based on data from government health and nutrition surveys.
Belly fat is more dangerous than fat in other parts. What you can do is to keep healthy food around the house. Young children do not go shopping- the parents do - so they have control over what appears in the household food area. If there is no candy, no soda, no sugar laden cereal - the kids will not be eating it. As for those who say their kids only eat sweet stuff- do not worry your kids won't starve themselves - they will eat and they may even find they like the more natural foods.And get some daily exercise - play with the kids - toss balls, chase each other, run around with the dog, take walks and limit the amount of time in front of the TV - a good TV rule is NO FOOD while watching TV. That works for adults too - we tend to munch mindlessly when we watch TV and we have food around. Discipline must start with parents and past it to your kids. No government wants to start removing children to foster care due to obesity - but we as a culture have to look out for children - society has an interest in its children...and obesity is shortening lifespans. Don't let this children suffer from obesity. its not there choice to be obese.