Early Signs and Symptoms includes dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness, tingling, slurred speech and loss of memory. They vary from person to person, and often diminish or improve a few days or weeks. Severe symptoms often lead to debilitation. Those who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis needs a support from a family member or friend tp perform simple tasks.
For proper diagnosis, the patient has to provide a detailed clinical history and go to a neurological exam. There are also additional tests, such as those that measure how fast messages passes from the brain o the nerves.
Signs of clinically definite Multiple Sclerosis : disease in the different parts of the central nervous system and two separate relapses that are at least a month apart. Once diagnosed, a patient has to deal Multiple Sclerosis for life. Though Multiple Sclerosis not an inherited condition, there is two percent chance that the disease will develop in a child of an Multiple Sclerosis parent.
Early diagnosis and long term treatment can bring long lasting benefits. Interferon beta 1-b is a diseases modifying agent that slows down the disease and lessens the gravity of attacks. It usually comes in syringe and injected under the skin.