Visible veins - The paler your skin tone is, the more likely you are to notice. the bluish veins crisscrossing beneath the skin of your upper chest and even on your breasts. Although you can get rid of them, applying a self tanner will disguise them.
Pimples - You should treat a breast breakout the same way you would deal with zits on your face, Apply a benzoyl-peroxide cream, then if necessary, dab on concealer. To help prevent new pimples from popping up, wash your breast area daily with gentle acne scrub that contains salicylic acid.
Stretchmarks - These red and white streaks develops when breast skin grows or shrinks rapidly, such as during puberty or after losing weight or having a baby. Unfortunately the longer you have them, the lower the odds are they'll fade, but you may be able to make them less apparent by using a prescription Retin A cream or a lotion with glycolic acid each night before going to bed.