Leg Cramps Quick tip

Posted by Admin Monday, 25 August 2008
A cramp is a painful spasm of the muscle, usually in the calf, but sometimes in the foot. Cramps may develop after prolonged exercise, particularly in hot conditions.Lack of salt is one well recognized cause of cramps. Poor circulation is another, and pregnant women are also particularly prone to cramp.

One of the most distressing forms of cramp is nocturnal (night) cramps, which often wake the sufferer, who usually elderly people. These can be often be prevented by taking quinine, either in tablet form or by drinking tonic water. Sleeping with the legs bent may also help.

Relieving cramps - Stretch the muscle. When the calf is affected, pull your toes towards you, massaging the muscle at the same time. Although they are extremely painful, leg cramps are more of a nuisance than anything else.