Behind the Apron: Beatrice Revealed!

Posted by Admin Saturday, 26 July 2008
Beatrice, before becoming vegetarian...

This week, Ginger Beat is participating in "Behind the Apron 2," organized by Fiber at 28 Cooks. "Behind the Apron" is intended to help readers learn a little bit more about food blog authors. Participants are instructed to "post a picture of yourself on your blog, revealing as much (tastefully, of course) or as little as you want. Introduce yourself, show us your family, do whatever you want."

A Recent Portrait of "Beatrice"

As you can see, I cheated and didn't include a current photo of myself, although I am posting a recent portrait of "Beatrice." Also, the joke about eating pigeons as a youth might not meet the "tasteful" requirement. Oh, well.

As for the story behind this blog: I've been vegetarian for about 15 years. During that time, my eating pattern has developed from simply "not eating meat" to being fairly vegetable-focused. Apart from the occasional veggie brat, I don't eat a lot of mock-meat. I would generally rather enjoy an interesting vegetable dish than attempt to re-create a traditional meal without the meat.

This spring, I decided to start a blog about options for vegetarians in the Denver area. While Denver is generally pretty vegetarian friendly, it can be hard to determine which restaurants, apart from mainstays like Watercourse, will have decent meatless menu offerings. The blog also chronicles my adventures (or, more often, mis-adventures) in the kitchen.

Questions? Suggestions? Hot tip about great veggie dim sum in the Denver area? Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at beatriceroot at yahoo dot com.

Food blogging will resume shortly. Thank you for reading!